Chemistry Technical Elective
Current DegreeWorks
Course Name
Current Catalog
Acceptable Alternative Courses
Suggested Revisions/Comments
CHEM 360
Env Chem I
Technical electives are not
CHEM 361
Env Chem II
listed in the current 2019-2020
CHEM 391
Research & Ind Study
CHEM 437
Applications of Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling
CHEM 491
Research & Ind Study I
CHEM 492
Research & Ind Study II
EVSC 325
Energy & the Environment
EVSC 375
Env Biology
EVSC 385
Env Microbiology
EVSC 416
Env Toxicology
BME 301
BME 303
BME 304
BME 310
BME 372
CHE 380
MATH 222
MATH 322
MATH 337
MATH 340
MATH 371
PHYS 234
PHYS 350