Undergraduate Majors and Minors
Undergraduate Degree Program
B.S. in Biochemistry
The Biochemistry program enables students to learn theoretical fundamentals and laboratory skills necessary to understand the chemistry of life processes. Students will be exposed to current biotechnology and biologic topics: genetic engineering, molecular biology, enzymology, and microbiology.
B.S. in Chemistry
The Chemistry program prepares students for careers in industry and for entry to graduate school or professional schools in areas of chemistry, medicine, dentistry or law. The program includes a solid emphasis on laboratory skills, scientific principles, and mathematics in practical, industrially-oriented areas of chemistry. Students can specialize or explore a particular area of chemistry or prepare for an advanced degree by selecting from a wide range of technical electives.
Students who need Biochemistry or Chemistry advisement should contact:
Dr. Bhavani Balasubramanian
352 Tiernan Hall, 3rd floor
B.S. in Environmental Science
The Environmental Science program is an interdisciplinary program among the NJIT Chemistry and Environmental Science, the Rutgers-Newark Earth and Environmental Science, and the NJIT Federated Biological Sciences Departments. The program provides students with a strong background in science and fundamentals as they relate to the environment. View the full curriculum. Technical Elective.
Students who need Environmental Science advisement should contact:
Dr. Michael Bonchonsky
365 Tiernan Hall, 3rd floor
B.S. in Forensic Science
The Forensic Science program, the first of its kind in New Jersey, provides a foundation in the natural sciences and mathematics to prepare students for a career in forensic science or graduate or professional school. Students receive hands-on training in field methods, analytical skills, and laboratory procedures currently used by forensic scientists in crime and investigative laboratories.
Students who need Forensic Science advisement should contact:
Prof. David Fisher, MSFS, ABC-GKE
323A Tiernan Hall, 3rd floor
Read the NJIT's Undergrad Forensics Program Awarded National Accreditation, a First in NJ
Students interested in chemistry and allied sciences can choose to pursue a minor in one of two areas: Chemistry and Environmental Science and Policy. The Chemistry minor has two paths based on student major; Chemical Engineering students have a special program to earn their Chemistry minor. Students interested in Forensic Science can also elect to pursue a Forensic Science Minor.